IB Physics Circle problems
/A tutorial sheet of questions involving circles follows.
- A car moves at a constant speed V around a circular path. Find the magnitude of the change in velocity of the car after it turns through an angle of 𝜽 degrees.
- Three equal point charges +Q are placed at the corners of an equilateral triangle. Find the magnitude of the force acting on one of the charges.
In question 2 the charges move in a circular path about the centre of the circle. Find the speed of each charge if they are a distance d apart. Is the circular path stable?
Three equal masses are placed at rest a distance d apart at the corners of an equilateral triangle. Find the time taken for the masses to collide after they are released.
- Planets of equal mass m orbit a star of mass M each at a distance a from the centre of the star but at opposite sides of a diameter of the common circular path. Does Kepler's law of periods apply in this situation? How is it modified?